Celiac Disease
Dermatitis Herpetiformis
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What is Dermatitis Herpetiformis ?
Is considered one variant of Celiac Disease. The patient presents injuries in the skin also presenting permanent intolerance to gluten. The Dermatitis Herpetiformis, or disease of Duhring-Brocq, is a chronic cutaneous disease and benign that if characterizes for a sensation of intense burning and itch.
The Celiac Disease is diferent of the Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
The patients of Dermatitis Herpetiformis can presents signals or symptoms of the Celiac Disease, and can have positive result in the intestinal biopsy.
A diet without gluten can help to control the presence of cutaneous eruptions in patients that have Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
The genetic factors, the imunologic system and sensitivity to gluten exert an important paper in this disease. However the true cause still is unknown.
The Dermatitis Herpetiformis reaches as many women how much men, in the ratio of a person in each 100.000. It is more common in whites of that in blacks and rare in the Japanese population. It initiates its appearance more frequently in the end of the second and fouth decades of life.
Each new injury is reddish, salient, it measures habitually less of one centimeter of diameter and contains a vesicle or bubble. However, if the injury will be scratch, a crust will appear in its surface.
Moreover, the sensation of pricked burning or bite is different of a common itch and can be felt from 8 to 12 hours before the appearance of the injury.
Affected Regions
The affested regions of the body are the elbows, the knees, the nape, the head ( in the hair region ), the superior part of the coasts and the buttock. The face and the edge of the hair can also be reached. The interior of the mouth rare is affected. The itches have a distribution uniform.
The diagnosis is made by biopsy of removed skin next to an injury.
Intestinals Anomalies Associates
The Biopsy of the thin intestine of the carriers of Dermatitis Herpetiformis can disclose changes or intestinal damage similar to the individuals reached for the Celiac Disease. However, these damage and symptons are generally lesser in the carriers of Dermatitis Herpetiformis than in the carriers of Celiac Disease.
The carriers of Dermatitis Herpetiformis normally don't present intestinal riots. A part of carriers, suffer from diarrheas, barriga d'agua, intense evacuation or intestinal cramp. If the intestines strong are reached, the carriers of Dermatitis Herpetiformis can present malnutrition.
Other Symptoms Associates
An incidence meets aech bigger time of: Anemias pernicious (deficiency in vitamin B12), disease linked to tireoide, and intestinal linfomas.
Use to medicines and diet without gluten.
Sulfonas:The reply is amazing. Between 24 and 48 horas, the burning sensation and the itchs diminishes. The objective is to manage the lesser possible dose suscetible to control the itches and burning sensations. This medicine doesn't not make no effect on the intestinals anomalies.
Diet without gluten
Don't ingestion of the wheat, rye, barley, oats and its derivatives, results in:
Desappearance of the intestinal attack / Improvement of cutaneous condition.
Reduction or same elimination of the necessity of Sulfonas for control of the cutaneous eruptions / Reduction of the cancer risk.
However, the Dermatitis Herpetiformis don't have cure.
More research will be necessary before of being able to answer to all questions on the causes of the Dermatitis Herpetiformis and the link between the cutaneous anomalies and the intestinals anomalies.