Celiac Disease
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Soon Historical of Celiac Disease
It has thousand of years, the people had verified possible to sow the land and to get many cereals, as the wheat, to utilize in the manufacture of oldest food, the bread. From there, they had lived in the same place without the necessity to food search. A consequence of this discovery, was the creation of civilization, other was the risk of persons has "Celiac Disease". In century II, a Greek, Aretaeus of Capadócia described sick people with one type of diarrhea, using the word "Koiliakos" ( those who suffer from the intestine ). To believe that already at that time it mensioned itself to that disease that in 1888, Samuel Gee, an English researcher doctor described in details, it believed that the flours could be the causers of the disease. Gee assigned as "Celiac Disease", using the Greek term, and in his writings it forecast that " control the feedind is main part of the treatment...the ingestion of flours must be reduced...if the sick person can be cured, has of being it through the diet..."
The war helped in the discovery
During 2ª wordwide war, the food rationing tax for the German occupation, drastically reduced the supply of bread to the dutch population. In 1950, Prof. Dicke, dutch physician of Utrech, verified that the children with "Celiac Disease" had improved of their health despite the serious food lach. He associated this fact with the low consumption of the diet in cereals.
Official Engineering and the daring
Charlotte Anderson, of Birmingham, demonstrated finally later for laboratory works, that the wheat and the rye contained the substance that provokes the disease: the Gluten. J.W.Paulley, English Doctor, observe however in a "operated celiac", that the his intestinal ???mucosa??? did not have the habitual aspect, and this fact extremely important and confirmed by other researchers,had started to allow a diagnosis with safer bases. The importance of this discovery increased when an American officer, Crosby, and an engineer, Kugler, had developed a small device with of they could to accomplish biopsy of the intestine without need to operate the sick person. This equipment, with small changes, still is used to become the diagnosis of the Celiac Disease, Celiaquía, Sensible Enteropaty, Celiac Sprue, Dont tropical Sprue, among others names that received, while researchers been convinced to that it was about the same disease.